Use these key tips from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to ensure your video surveillance system is secure and reliable.

More Crucial Video Surveillance System Tips From The Department Of Homeland Security (DHS)

Any entity that has property assets and personnel can reap significant benefits from a secure video surveillance system. From enterprises in retail, energy, education, healthcare, and assisted or senior living to government agencies, establishing a reliable and secure video network is critical for ensuring protection. In Resolute Partner’s last blog post, we discussed how not…

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Understanding storage requirements is key to making the most of your video surveillance system and ensuring the safety of footage.

How Much Video Storage Is Enough?

One of the major benefits of having a video surveillance system on your business or personal property is knowing that should a crime ever occur, you will have indisputable video evidence of it. However, simply capturing footage of a break-in, theft, or act of vandalism is not enough. You also have to safely store it.…

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