Automotive Dealership Advanced Security

Drive Success with Better Surveillance

Protect your vehicles from theft and vandalism with comprehensive remote video surveillance that effectively deters crime, safeguards against potential threats, and provides peace of mind.

Advanced Security Solutions

By integrating streamlined access, video surveillance, and cutting-edge security solutions, auto dealerships and rental car lots can enhance the safety and security of their operations, ensuring protection for their valuable inventory of vehicles, equipment, and customer data. Discover how our auto dealership security solutions and monitoring, offer proactive measures for mitigating risks and maintaining a secure environment for both staff and customers.

Live Video Monitoring

Our fully trained team of surveillance professionals are here to keep an eye on your dealership. So you can rest easy knowing your inventory is always protected from theft or vandalism.


Managed Video Security

Receive suspicious activity alerts, secure storage, and remote viewing of video recordings. Our comprehensive service includes ongoing cloud security, maintenance, and technical support.


auto dealership parking lot surveillance camera trespassers vehicle theft trucks cars

System Upgrades

We will upgrade your outdated video security systems with cutting-edge AI-based equipment and software solutions from our trusted partners to enhance the efficacy, reliability, and security of your video surveillance systems.


Why Advanced Security Solutions?

Resolute Partners Security Solutions Auto Dealership Rental Car Lots Icons Inventory Protection Theft and Vandalism

Inventory Protection

Prevent costly losses due to theft and vandalism of valuable vehicle inventory. In a matter of minutes, a single night can lead to the loss of thousands of dollars in inventory.

Resolute Partners Security Solutions Auto Dealership Rental Car Lots Icons Reduced Security Expenses

Reduced Security Expenses

Minimize costs on a large number of untrained security guards while maintaining effective security measures to assist and support existing security personnel.

Resolute Partners Security Solutions Auto Dealership Rental Car Lots Icons theft and vandalism prevention

Theft and Vandalism Prevention

Deter crimes before they even occur. Surveillance paired with voice-down, significantly reduces the likelihood of theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities.

Resolute Partners Security Solutions Auto Dealership Rental Car Lots Icons fraudulent claims

Fraudulent Claims

Bring fraudulent claims to a halt through the strategic placement of cameras in vulnerable areas like parking lots, showroom floors, service bays, and customer interaction regions. Also providing concrete evidence to counter false claims, keeping your reputation sound.

Resolute Partners Security Solutions Auto Dealership Rental Car Lots Employee Productivity

Employee Productivity

Management can monitor employee activities, identify areas for improvement, and provide necessary feedback or training to optimize performance, leading to increased productivity.

24/7 Live Video
Surveillance Monitoring

Our remote live video surveillance services provide trained professionals to monitor your dealership's security systems overnight and on weekends, so you can rest with peace of mind knowing any security incidents or breaches are promptly detected and addressed. Allowing you to focus on running your dealership

It's time to enhance your security.

Get in touch with our team of experts to discuss your automotive dealership's video surveillance requirements. We are here to help tailor a solution that meets your specific needs.

FAQs About Automotive Dealership Advanced Security

Advanced security is crucial for automotive dealerships due to the following reasons:

  1. Asset Protection: Dealerships hold valuable inventory, including vehicles and parts, which are attractive targets for theft and vandalism.
  2. Employee and Customer Safety: Ensuring a safe environment for both employees and customers is vital to prevent accidents and foster a secure business environment.
  3. Operational Integrity: Protecting sensitive business information, financial data, and operational procedures from internal and external threats.
  4. Insurance Compliance: Many insurance policies require certain security measures to be in place, and advanced security can lead to lower premiums.
  5. Reputation Management: High-profile thefts or security breaches can damage the dealership's reputation, leading to loss of business and trust.

Automotive dealerships typically use a combination of the following security solutions:

  1. Surveillance Cameras: For monitoring and recording activities both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Access Control Systems: To manage and restrict access to different areas of the dealership.
  3. Alarm Systems: To alert authorities and staff in case of unauthorized entry or other emergencies.
  4. Intrusion Detection Systems: Including motion sensors and glass break detectors to identify potential break-ins.
  5. Security Lighting: Enhanced lighting to deter criminal activities and improve visibility.
  6. Perimeter Fencing and Gates: Physical barriers to prevent unauthorized access to the property.
  7. License Plate Recognition (LPR) Systems: To monitor and record vehicles entering and exiting the premises.

Security cameras provide numerous benefits to automotive dealerships, such as:

  1. Theft Deterrence: Visible cameras discourage potential thieves and vandals.
  2. Incident Documentation: Recording incidents provides valuable evidence for investigations and insurance claims.
  3. Operational Monitoring: Managers can monitor employee performance, customer interactions, and daily operations remotely.
  4. Customer Service Improvement: Analyzing footage can help identify areas for improving customer service and operational efficiency.
  5. Dispute Resolution: Video evidence can help resolve disputes with customers or between employees by providing a clear record of events.

Access control systems are integral to dealership security in several ways:

  1. Restricted Access: They limit entry to sensitive areas such as offices, service bays, and parts storage to authorized personnel only.
  2. Audit Trails: They provide logs of who accessed specific areas and when, aiding in monitoring and investigations.
  3. Enhanced Security: They prevent unauthorized access, reducing the risk of theft, vandalism, and data breaches.
  4. Emergency Response: In emergencies, access control systems can help secure the premises by locking down specific areas.
  5. Employee Management: They streamline employee access, ensuring that only authorized staff have access to certain areas, enhancing overall security and operational efficiency.

Automotive dealerships can protect their outdoor lots and inventory through various measures:

  1. High-Resolution Security Cameras: Installing cameras with night vision and wide coverage to monitor the entire lot.
  2. Security Lighting: Ensuring well-lit areas to deter criminal activity and improve camera visibility.
  3. Perimeter Fencing and Gates: Installing robust fencing and automated gates to control and monitor entry and exit points.
  4. Motion Detectors and Alarms: Using sensors to detect unauthorized movement and trigger alarms.
  5. Security Patrols: Employing security personnel to regularly patrol the premises, especially during off-hours.
  6. License Plate Recognition Systems: To monitor and record vehicles entering and leaving the lot.
  7. Inventory Management: Keeping accurate records of vehicle inventory and regularly auditing to detect any discrepancies early.
  8. Remote Monitoring: Utilizing remote surveillance technologies to keep an eye on the lot in real-time from any location.