A Future-Ready and Secure Wireless Network
Resolute Partners builds future-ready wireless networks that are flexible, secure, and adaptable. Our wireless networks are able to accommodate changes that cannot be anticipated at the time of installation. Local area networks (LAN) must keep pace with advances in consumer electronics, cybersecurity, and changing usage patterns. Sophisticated user behaviors such as increased video streaming, team collaboration, and expanded use of tablets and smartphones require the ability to increase network throughput and available bandwidth, and provide security over the life of the network installation.
Enterprise Wireless Network and Wireless Access Point Experience
Our history providing guest wireless solutions includes the deployment of over 40 Veteran's Guest Internet Access (VGIA) wifi networks for U.S. VA Medical Centers. Additionally, Resolute Partners installed over 500 wireless access points for the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System to improve their hospital guest wireless coverage area.

Need a future-ready wireless network that is flexible, secure, fast, reliable, and adaptable?
Wired and Wireless Hybrid Networks. We can install and manage the right Internet access solution for your organization.
We deliver Internet connectivity through the latest wired and wireless technologies. In legacy environments, depending on the organization’s facility and requirements, we can also deploy a hybrid network. After a site review, we will recommend the appropriate network solution and specific technologies most appropriate and cost efficient for an organization’s facilities and requirements. Once installed, we will manage the network to provide continuous and robust connectivity. With optional firewall hardware, our wired and wireless networks offer protection against unauthorized intrusions and damaging virus attacks. Additionally, Resolute Partners can configure public-area wifi networks to provide content filtering. This helps to limit exposure to objectionable material while permitting unrestricted access to all other pages and websites.
Resolute Partners Wi-Fi Network Engineering Services Include a Broad Range of Advanced Network Solutions and Support
WAN/WLAN Networks • Comprehensive Site Surveys • Network Engineering and Design • Cloud Solutions • Hardware Procurement • Systems Deployment • Network Installation/Integration • ISP Circuit Provisioning • Project Management • Detailed Documentation • Monitoring • Remote and On-site Support