Cannabis Advanced Security Systems

Surveillance In The Marijuana Industry

Stay compliant, protect against theft, and maintain the integrity of operations at your cannabis dispensaries, grows, marijuana farms, or distribution centers through advanced video security solutions.

Advanced Security Solutions

With comprehensive surveillance coverage and real-time monitoring, advanced video security solutions counteract theft while simultaneously gathering valuable video evidence relating to incidents, thus ensuring employee and customer safety within your cannabusiness.

Live Video Monitoring

Our highly skilled team of surveillance professionals arededicated to providing round-the-clock monitoring for your property, offering peace of mind and ensuring that your facility is always protected.


Managed Video Security

Receive suspicious activity alerts, secure storage, and remote viewing of video recordings. Our comprehensive service includes ongoing cloud security, maintenance, and technical support.


security system for dispensary dispensaries marijuana cbd cannabis

System Upgrades

We will upgrade your outdated video security systems with cutting-edge AI-based equipment and software solutions from our trusted partners to enhance the efficacy, reliability, and security of your video surveillance systems.


How does enhanced security pay for itself?

Crime Prevention

Effectively deter potential threats such as theft, robberies, and fraudulent activities. Minimize the risk of financial losses and provide a robust layer of protection for valuable cannabis products, equipment, and other crucial assets.

Government Compliant

By implementing robust security systems, cannabis businesses can effectively maintain compliance, proactively prevent legal complications, and safeguard  licenses and reputation. Stay protected against potential risks and liabilities associated with non-compliance.

24/7 Live Video
Surveillance Monitoring

Our remote live video surveillance services provide trained professionals to monitor your cannabis dispensary, marijuana farm, or distribution center's security systems overnight and on weekends, so you can rest with peace of mind knowing any security incidents or breaches are promptly detected and addressed.

FAQs About Cannabis Advanced Security Systems

Advanced security surveillance is crucial for the cannabis industry due to several reasons:

  1. High-Value Product: Cannabis products are valuable and attractive targets for theft and burglary.
  2. Regulatory Requirements: The cannabis industry is heavily regulated, with stringent security requirements to ensure compliance.
  3. Preventing Diversion: Surveillance helps prevent the diversion of cannabis products to illegal markets.
  4. Ensuring Safety: Protecting employees, customers, and facilities from potential harm.
  5. Maintaining Operational Integrity: Ensuring that operations are running smoothly and detecting any internal theft or misconduct.

Cannabis advanced security systems typically include:

  1. 24/7 Video Surveillance: Continuous monitoring with high-resolution cameras.
  2. Access Control Systems: Restricting entry to authorized personnel only.
  3. Intrusion Detection Systems: Sensors and alarms to detect unauthorized entry.
  4. Perimeter Security: Fencing, lighting, and motion detectors around the facility.
  5. Remote Monitoring: Allowing security personnel to monitor the facility from any location.
  6. Secure Storage Areas: Ensuring that cannabis products are stored in secure, monitored locations.
  7. Data Storage and Management: Secure and compliant storage of video footage for a specified period.

Cannabis remote video monitoring assists with regulatory compliance in the following ways:

  1. Adherence to Laws: Meeting local, state, and federal regulations that mandate specific security measures.
  2. Detailed Record-Keeping: Providing documented evidence of compliance through stored video footage.
  3. Audit Support: Facilitating regulatory audits by providing easy access to surveillance records.
  4. Operational Transparency: Ensuring that all operations are visible and transparent to regulators.
  5. Preventing Violations: Detecting and deterring activities that could lead to regulatory violations.

Integrating access control with cannabis live security surveillance facilities offers several benefits:

  1. Enhanced Security: Combining physical access restrictions with visual monitoring improves overall security.
  2. Real-Time Monitoring: Immediate visual verification of who is entering or exiting the facility.
  3. Incident Response: Quick identification and response to unauthorized access or suspicious activities.
  4. Data Correlation: Correlating access logs with video footage to investigate incidents or anomalies.
  5. Employee Management: Monitoring employee access to sensitive areas, ensuring that only authorized personnel are allowed entry.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: Providing comprehensive security records that meet regulatory requirements.

When selecting a security system provider, cannabis businesses should consider the following:

  1. Industry Experience: Providers with specific experience in the cannabis industry understand the unique challenges and regulatory requirements.
  2. Comprehensive Solutions: Offering a full range of services, including video surveillance, access control, and intrusion detection.
  3. Compliance Knowledge: Expertise in state and local regulations governing cannabis security.
  4. Technology and Innovation: Advanced, reliable technology that can be integrated with existing systems.
  5. Customer Support: Strong customer service, including 24/7 monitoring and rapid issue response with cannabis live security monitoring.
  6. Reputation and References: Positive reviews and references from other cannabis businesses.
  7. Customization: Ability to tailor solutions to the specific needs and layout of the cannabis security solutions facility.
  8. Cost: Transparent pricing and understanding of the total cost of ownership, including installation, maintenance, and upgrades.

It's time to enhance your security.

Get in touch with our team of experts to discuss your dispensary's video surveillance requirements. We are here to help tailor a solution that meets your specific needs.