A dome smart video surveillance camera monitoring students at school

Boost School Safety with Smart Video Surveillance

Today’s HD cameras and AI-based software and analytics do significantly more than simply relay and record video. Smart video surveillance systems can recognize suspicious behavior, flag unwanted persons, identify unsafe objects, and even identify elevated temperatures.  Additionally, these systems immediately alert school safety monitors with live-video of the person, object or unsafe event.

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A woman's face being captured and analyzed by facial recognition video security software.

AI-driven Video Security Systems High ROI

Traditional safety and security methods typically blend on-site security guards, security patrols, and surveillance cameras that relay captured video to a recording device. Nowadays, modern security camera technology and advanced software functionality allow today’s AI-driven video security systems to deliver the higher ROI.

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A burning car parked in the street at night resulting in costly property crime

Costly Property Crimes vs Smart Video Security

Millions of dollars are lost to property crimes each year. Sadly, police solve rates for such crimes grimly hovers under 20%. Increasingly, the biggest crime-solving asset available to law enforcement is real-time footage captured by smart video security systems. Unlike traditional CCTV, smart video security systems carry advanced facial recognition and appearance search features.

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