AI-powered video surveillance drives both cost savings and operational efficiency in commercial manufacturing.

Maximize Operational Efficiency And Cut Costs With AI-Powered Video Surveillance For Commercial Manufacturing

In today’s competitive landscape, commercial manufacturers face a myriad of challenges, from optimizing operational efficiency to cutting costs without compromising security. In this environment, the integration of AI-powered video surveillance systems has emerged as a transformative solution.  By harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and leveraging cloud-based Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS), manufacturers…

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Is Your Video Security Footage Usable In Court?

There are countless upsides to installing a video surveillance system on your business or personal property. However, there are two overarching benefits that ultimately protect you in two distinct scenarios. Before any break-in, theft, or other illegal action can occur, having video surveillance systems has been shown to reduce the chance of crime by 50%…

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