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Maximize Operational Efficiency And Cut Costs With AI-Powered Video Surveillance For Commercial Manufacturing

April 9, 2024

In today’s competitive landscape, commercial manufacturers face a myriad of challenges, from optimizing operational efficiency to cutting costs without compromising security. In this environment, the integration of AI-powered video surveillance systems has emerged as a transformative solution.  By harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and leveraging cloud-based Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS), manufacturers…

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Nov 7 2023

Securing Your Property: A Pathway To Lower Insurance Premiums

Security is a top concern for property owners, but the benefits of advanced security systems extend beyond just peace of mind. One often overlooked advantage is the potential to significantly lower insurance premiums since many insurance providers recognize the value of robust security measures in reducing risk.  In turn, enticing discounts are offered to property…
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To better protect yourself against attacks, it’s crucial to understand the various ways that hackers can compromise your security system.

Oct 24 2023

How To Tell If Your Security System Has Been Compromised

Maintaining the security of our homes and businesses is a paramount concern in today’s world. But, as technological advancements have introduced sophisticated security systems, they have also brought new challenges.  One of the most concerning threats is security cameras being compromised, which can lead to unauthorized access and privacy breaches. To better protect yourself against…
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These cutting-edge technologies can streamline operations, cut overhead costs, and enhance security in MDUs.

Sep 26 2023

Leveraging Advanced Video Security Solutions For Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) Management

Managing multi-dwelling units (MDUs) has become more complex today than ever before. Property managers and landlords are constantly faced with a myriad of challenges, from overseeing various premises while ensuring tenant safety to optimizing operational efficiency.  Fortunately, advanced video security solutions have emerged as a game-changer in the MDU management landscape. These cutting-edge technologies can…
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Property managers must take into account a variety of factors to select the right advanced video security system for their property.

Sep 12 2023

Property Managers Must Consider These Key Factors When Choosing An Advanced Video Security System

Property managers must balance two critical tasks: safeguarding their properties and protecting the individuals within them. Thankfully, advanced video security systems have emerged as indispensable tools for achieving safety everywhere– from apartment complexes to condominiums and other multi-dwelling units (MDUs).  But, choosing the ideal system for your property and residents’ needs is crucial. Property managers…
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Video analytics enhance school security via heightened detection of suspicious behavior that may be missed by on-site security guards.

Aug 29 2023

How Video Analytics Can Identify Suspicious Behavior In Schools

Ensuring the safety of students and staff in schools has taken center stage over the past decade, becoming a main focal point following rising numbers of crimes occurring on campus grounds. But while traditional security measures have been effective to some extent, technological advancements are allowing administrators to leverage the power of tech to reshape…
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Smart Video Security is changing how schools approach safety via real-time threat detection, facial recognition, and predictive analytics.

Aug 15 2023

How AI Technology Is Revolutionizing School Security

With the rise of crime, bullying, and mental health concerns, ensuring the safety and security of educational institutions has become a top priority across the country. However, increasing threats and incidents in schools have proven that traditional security measures alone are no longer sufficient.  So, to address these challenges more effectively, schools are now turning…
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Comprehensive video security systems significantly enhance campus safety via real-time monitoring, threat deterrence, heightened emergency response, and more.

Aug 1 2023

Building A Secure Learning Environment: How Video Security Enhances Campus Safety

According to the latest federal data on school crime and safety compiled by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics, schools throughout the country have witnessed a rise in school shootings and student behavioral issues over the past 10 years.  During the 2019 to 2020 school year, the latest year…
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Video security mitigates fraudulent claims via real-time monitoring, prompt response time, and integration with existing systems.

Jul 18 2023

The Role Of Video Security In Mitigating Fraudulent Claims At Auto Dealerships

Fraudulent claims at auto dealerships have become a growing concern in recent years– costing business owners significant financial losses and tarnished reputations. Some examples of fraudulent claims have ranged from staged accidents and vandalism to fraudulent warranty claims and false damage reports.  To combat this rising threat, auto dealerships are increasingly turning to video security…
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AI-powered video surveillance allows for real-time threat detection, intelligent object and facial recognition, behavioral analytics, proactive crime prevention, and remote monitoring.

Jul 6 2023

Enhancing Auto Dealership Security With AI-Powered Video Surveillance

Auto dealerships, known for housing valuable inventory and attracting significant foot traffic, are frequent targets of crime. To combat theft, vandalism, and other security threats effectively, many dealerships employ on-site security teams and video surveillance networks. However, to further enhance protection, auto dealerships are increasingly adopting advanced technologies like AI-powered automotive dealership live video monitoring. …
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Live Video Monitoring in parking garages can improve security for you and your guests by deterring crime, capturing evidence of any incidents, decreasing the risk of liabilities, and helping you monitor employee activity.

Jun 21 2023

How Live Video Monitoring Can Help Keep Your Parking Garage Covered

Parking garages are often bustling centers of activity among both patrons and employees. Yet, these structures present unique challenges when it comes to preserving the safety of your organization, staff, and customers.  That’s why video surveillance with Live Video Monitoring (LVM) in parking garages has become an essential security strategy component. A robust video monitoring…
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Live Video Monitoring

professional real-time security camera monitoring solution