Resolute Partners Deploys Advanced Metering Initiative at Dugway

Resolute Partners, in partnership with Idaho National Labs, has completed the first phase of an advanced metering initiative at Dugway Proving Ground, a US Army facility located in Utah. The base encompasses almost 800,000 acres of the Great Salt Lake Desert, an area the size of the state of Rhode Island, and is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges. 

Resolute Partners was tasked with deploying a full turnkey (AMI) wired and wireless network utilizing RF, fiber and residential meters. This will now allow the base to accurately track it’s more than 250+ residential tenants actual electrical usage (HWh). In Phase I, Resolute deployed 2 base stations, 3 backhaul radios, 19 EUB radios and 19 residential electrical meters, and Phase II will be for the remaining housing units. The network, leveraging the advanced meters, can now send valuable usage data to a central database for analysis. In the past, manual collection of electricity usage was required on the base. 

This advanced metering deployment is a substantial leap forward for the base in reducing significant costs, human error, time to deploy and otherwise monumental hurdles as compared to traditional deployment methods. The network was functional within months vs years at a fraction of the cost allowing facility personnel to focus on other energy management and conservation measures.

If you’re interested in learning more about Resolute Partners Energy Management and Control Systems services, please contact us.

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